
 Soniya Education Trust's
(Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru and
Recognised by Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi)


The institute offers Ph.D programmes in Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy as per the guidelines of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru


A Post Graduate qualification in the concerned specialization and faculty


The Students who secure 50th percentile and above in the Ph.D Entrance Examination are declared selected for admission to Ph.D courses as per calendar of events and such result is valid for two terms (for that academic year and next academic year) subject to availability of guides.

Candidates with M.Pharm, Pharm.D and Pharm.D (PB) degree awarded by this University or a College/University recognized by AICTE/PCI or a P.G. Degree in Pharmacy considered as equivalent by RGUHS, are eligible for enrollment for Ph.D course in Pharmacy.


  •  Candidates with Pharm-D degree are eligible to register for Ph.D in Pharmacy Practice only.
  •  Candidates with M-Pharm in Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy are eligible to register for Ph.D in any one of the 3 subjects. 
  •  Candidates with M-Pharm in Quality Assurance and Pharmaceutical Analysis are eligible to register for Ph.D in any one of the 2 subjects.
  •  Foreign Nationals / NRIs intending to register for Ph.D Programme should obtain equivalence certificate from AIU and Eligibility Certificate from RGUHS before admission.
  •  The post graduate qualified Candidates from other Universities applying for Ph.D Registration are required to obtain eligibility certificate by paying the eligibility fees as prescribed for PG Programme by RGUHS.
  •  All foreign nationals irrespective of their PG Studies in India (including RGUHS) or abroad are required to obtain eligibility certificate by paying eligibility fees and submission of copies of valid passport, visa and police permission for residential permit for stay in India.
  •  The M.Sc degree holders, after their Ph.D shall confine themselves only to provide research inputs and perform investigative procedures. They are not permitted to treat patients but they can involve in academic work.


  1.  All the candidate intending to register for Ph.D. programme shall appear for the entrance test conducted by the University.
  2.  An Entrance Test shall be qualifying test with qualifying marks as 50th Percentile. Percentile method be adopted for declaration of the result. The University reserves the right to lower this percentile limit, in case the number of candidates who have cleared Ph D entrance examination is very low. This shall be given effect to with the approval of the Hon,ble Vice Chancellor.
  3.  An interview/viva-voce to be organized by the University for the candidates who successfully clear the entrance test and are selected for the Ph.D. course to discuss their research interest/area through a presentation before a duly constituted University Ph.D. Registration committee of the respective faculty.


The entrance exam is conducted in two parts namely
1. Principles of basic Research methodology – Paper - I
2. Specialty paper - Paper – II
The specialty paper syllabus content shall ordinarily be equal to the syllabus and books prescribed for Post-Graduate Course for that subject as per Regulations of Central Council and/ or the Rajiv Gandhi Universities of Health Sciences.

The Principles of Basic Research Methodology Syllabus is as follows:

(1) Research Methodology: An Introduction
(2) Defining the Research Problem, Hypothesis, Generation of Hypothesis
(3) Research Design
(4) Sampling Design
(5) Measurement and Scaling Techniques
(6) Methods of Data Collection
(7) Processing, statistics and Analysis of Data
(8) Sampling Fundamentals
(9) Interpretation and Report Writing
(10)Principle and methods of fundamental research method, literature, drugand research
problem survey, clinical research
(11) Writing an article for a scientific journals
(12) Bioavailability
(13) Bioequivalence
(14) Clinical Trials.


A) After provisional registration, every candidate shall submit the half yearly progress reports regularly as desired by the university in the prescribed format through the Guide to the Registrar of the University with a copy to the Head of the Department concerned and Head of the Institution. The half yearly progress report will be assessed by the subject experts and comments/observations will be communicated to the concerned candidate and Guide. Every such half yearly report shall be submitted once in six months from the commencement of term. The accepted reports shall be ratified by the Ph.D registration Committee.

B) If two consecutive half yearly progress reports are not satisfactory, the Ph.D. Registration committee of the respective faculty may recommend to the University for cancellation of the registration of the respective candidate.


A) Pre Ph.D examination shall ordinarily be completed at the end of one year after submission and satisfactory clearance of two half yearly reports. If for some reason, the two half yearly reports are not submitted within due date, Ph.D registration committee has the right to conduct Pre Ph.D examination within the next six months. If the candidate fails to take up his/her pre Ph.D examination within two years from the time of his registration of his Ph.D, he shall be discharged from the course.
B) Ph.D students shall under go online Research Methodology workshop conducted by Government of India and produce a certificate for having successfully completed the online course before taking up Pre Ph D examination.


The scheme for Pre Ph.D examination to be conducted by the University shall be as follows
i) Two written papers each of three hours duration and each carrying maximum of 100 marks.
PAPER I: Research Methodology related to the area of research.
PAPER II: Topics related to the specialized subject under which the topic / area of research is undertaken.
ii. A Viva-Voce examination carrying a maximum of 100 marks for candidates who have passed the theory examination
iii) The candidate should secure a minimum of 60% marks in each of the written papers as well as in the Viva-Voce examination.
The syllabi for both papers for each candidate shall be prescribed by the concerned Guide which will be communicated to the Registrar (Evaluation) of the University as well as the candidate at least one month earlier to the examination.


All the Ph.D candidates should submit a final synopsis containing the summary of the research work done (Two Soft & Hard Copies) to RGUHS before submission of thesis. All Ph.D candidates before submitting their final synopsis shall present his/her research work before the Guide, External Examiner and Observer from concerned specialty on a suitable date fixed by the University and should get approval for writing the final synopsis and thesis.


All Ph. D. Candidates before submitting Ph.D. Thesis to the university should have published a minimum of four research papers related to their research topic during their course of Ph. D as 1st author or corresponding author in the indexed journals. One of the publications shall be published in RGUHS journals.


Each candidate for the award of Ph.D Degree shall submit three copies (Soft & Hard Copies) of his/her Thesis not earlier than the prescribed minimum period and not later than the prescribed maximum period.


The Academic Council (or its equivalent body) of the Institution shall evolve a mechanism using well developed software and gadgets to detect plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. While submitting for evaluation, the thesis shall have an undertaking from the research scholar and a certificate from the Research Guide attesting to the originality of the work, vouching that there is no plagiarism (the permissible similarity should not exceed 15% of total contents) and that the work has not been submitted for the award of any other degree/diploma of the same Institution where the work was carried out, or to any other Institution. It is mandatory for plagiarism check for Ph.D thesis submitted before sending it for evaluation. The report of plagiarism check shall be enclosed.